Rivas, Manuel

by Rivas, Manuel
From Unknown to Unknown is a selection of eighty poems by Manuel Rivas in Jonathan Dunne’s English translation. The poems are taken from the Galician book Do descoñecido ao descoñecido, which contains the author’s collected poems from 1980 to 2003, a total of six poetry books and some recent poems. The author has since brought out two further collections – The Disappearance of Snow and The Mouth of the Earth – and these are available in Lorna Shaughnessy’s translation from Shearsman Books. Manuel Rivas is Galicia’s most international author. Much of his fiction has appeared in English, and three films have been made of his work (Butterfly’s Tongue, The Carpenter’s Pencil, All Is Silence).
Publication Date: 24 June 2017 (reprint) / Language: English / Paperback: 128 pages / Dimensions: 216 x 140 mm / Price: Consult the catalogue
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From Unknown to Unknown simply cries out to be altogether known in every possible meaning of the word. The translation is clearly exemplary, while the poems themselves are politically thought provoking as well as socially eloquent in equal measure.